Saturday, October 24, 2009

What's the deal?

It's been a while since I've blogged, so here's a few bits and pieces of life:

Here's the old gang at the Big Band dance at Weber State University last night. Hansens; Haynes; Taylors and Woodburys. Kenny; Bruce; Lamar and I all lived in the famous basement apartment next to Grandma Sessions in Riverdale during college days. Bruce took my place when I went in the Army. Isn't Jane pretty in blue!

The fall leaves under the walnut tree in our back yard. The grand kids love playing in the piles.

Grandpa Woodbury loves to pick up the walnuts.

Sara and Eric love each other!

Gracie loves to steal the show, after all - it was her birthday!


Jeni said...

Yipppeeee! A post! I'm so glad you could go dancing with your friends!

aLi said...

oh aren't you a peach in my book tonight- for posting on your blog! Thanks. Gracie's picture cracked me and Josh up. And Grandpa Woodbury has still got it! (Dad you're too funny posting a picture of him bending over... poor Grandpa! Remind me never to bend over when you're around... especially if a camera is close.)
Eric and Sara look so cute, especially Sara.
Lest I forget Grandma Woodbury... (I don't even know what lest means, but I think it works in this sentence...) I love how you posted a picture with her in the background smiling. :)
I am glad you posted these. I just posted, too. So go check mine out and see if you can leave me a comment as long as mine.

gaye said...

You guys are aging well... you both look at least 10 years younger than the rest of the group!! And Scott, Jane is beautiful in any color but especially blue.

Kim-the-girl said...

LOVE the pictures! Yay you for posting! Jane is beautiful in blue (and always) and Gracie... oh Gracie. Too much fun!