Saturday, October 11, 2008

What Does Jane Think About Conference Posts?

Jane and Amelia Jane

THANK YOU!!! for all your conference tidbits. Way to strengthen me! So many spoke to me. We had just taught a lesson in our Strengthening Marriage class about Equality and Unity in Marriage. Elder Eyring (or Hal as Pres. Hinckley called him) totally reinforced our lesson. I just kind of was in awe of his talk. SO cool!

Thanks to all you Blog Commenters. I thoroughly enjoy reading your thoughts also.

And Jeni, you DEFINITELY should be in Rome with Jason, Finn and Tracey for the temple dedication. Start planning and saving now! Love, MJ

The following is a post copied from our Daughter-in-Love's blog aka Kim-the-Girl:

  • President Monson, "Never let a problem to be solved be more important than a person to be loved."
  • Two talks in a row talked about being "poisoned by degrees"
  • Sister Dalton, "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." Quoting the winner of the New York marathon.
  • I loved what Elder Hales had to say about meekness. I've always wanted to understand it better so I can be it better. I also appreciated his words about, "opposition presents opportunity."
  • Unity. So many people talked about unity, wasn't that interesting. I guess we really need to work on that. I liked what President Eyring said about speaking kindly of each other, "There are times we must judge others... but more often we have a choice."
  • I loved Elder Bednar's words about more meaning prayer...I love the way he gives his talks so we can really follow his counsel. I appreciated his example of one losing their temper and praying for forgiveness and help and thanks... that one was for me.
  • I thought Elder Lawrence Corbridge's talk was interesting in the way he presented it. Of course, the truth taught being, either you follow Christ and are happy or you don't and you're not. I love that he explained that following Christ is an act of God and that every single person can do it. Unlike human endeavors when the higher the standard the fewer the people can actually reach it. And I love, love, love this statement, "The Lord's way is not hard, life is hard. Life is also simple." We have 2 choices, either we follow the Lord or we don't.
  • I love the story told by Elder Holland about the 7 year old boy and the cows crossing the river. I cried and cried as I felt the spirit on this one. "On occasion we may feel alone" but God is always watching and angels are always there, both immortal and mortal.
  • And finally...Elder Wirthlin. His talk was shouting to me! ... I loved this talk. In case you've forgotten his 4 ways to be happy with whatever comes our way, I'll remind you. Laugh-I have since laughed and laughed and I feel so much better; Seek for the eternal-wow. I need help with this one and these kids; Understand the principle of compensation-I hadn't ever thought about this, but I liked what he said about "every tear today will eventually return 100 fold in rejoicing" I guess I have a lot of rejoicing to look forward to; and Put our trust in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ-He wants us to succeed and to be happy and you know with God nothing is impossible even being happy.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

What's Smells Fishy?

How silly does a post need to be to make the users actually post on their own? Here goes another shot at it:
Question: What did the fish say when it ran into two cute girls and a Grandpa? (no Eric, not a cement wall)
Answer: Nothing silly, fish can't talk. This was July 24th, 2004 at the fish farm. Grandpa is teaching Sophie and Ari how to fish.

Here they are waiting patiently for the fish to bite.

Luckily, the fish were biting that day and...

Whabam! Sophie catches a fish! Its a good thing there was more than one fish because...

Whabam! Ari catches one too! What a great Grandpa (not to be confused with Great-Grandpa) to teach his granddaughters how to fish.
This probably wasn't silly enough to make Scott and Jane actually post on their own but at least it will keep you all coming back until they actually do.

p.s. this was done and posted at the same time as the ping pong post. Good job Scott and Jane! (if you are the real authors of that post) I'll leave it up anyway because of the cute pictures!

What's so funny?

Kim the Boy! He is the author of our last post! Kim this was fun! Feel free to continue to tell about our many adventures in life. By the way, all those things were supposed to secrets! So, everyone out there ...........SHHHHHHHHH!