Monday, July 12, 2010

Why is Jane so sad? and happy?

We had such a wonderful time at Jeni and Jason's last night! The food was excellent! SO TASTY!!! Chicken cordon bleu casserole! Wonderful rolls with cinnamon honey butter! Delicious fruit and fruit dip, veggie tray and dip! Patriotic jello! Cooked vegetable medley. Super green salad! Homemade ice cream: our choice of blackberry or peach, and a wonderful filled cake with a cute message! (Happy Anniversary, Love and Grapes) Erin found some (40 year) old wedding pictures and put them in a frame. SO SWEET! We have such good kids!

Jeni and Jason have such a wonderful atmosphere at their home and their yard is so beautiful! The kids just played and played. Eric dethroned the reigning volleyball champ. :( SO SAD!!! Volley ball happened. The younger generation-Cade, Ari, and Sophie are surprisingly good at getting that ball over the net!!!

The kids jumped on the tramp and Gracie decided to try a back flip. OOPS! Her yell alone should have been our clue. She landed on her elbow and after numerous unsuccessful attempts by everyone to soothe her , Grandpa Scott decided to compare her elbows. Her right elbow was swelling and started to turn a little blue. waaaaah!!!

Diagnosis: broken elbow. Treatment: not surgery, although it was a consideration for a few minutes. She left the ER about midnight with her arm wrapped in a temporary cast and will go back on Tues. for a permanent cast. SO SAD!!! GET BETTER, GRACIE!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Why is Ari so cute?

Today, Ari commented, "When I was little and I said my prayers, I always prayed that I would get married to a boy just like Eric."