Sunday, September 21, 2008

Why do we forget to make new posts?

Well Erin just reported from her mission in Brisbane, Australia and did a wonderful job! But back to our story. Where have we been? Some have asked our kids where we disappeared to. Others have speculated with their own theories. Here is a list of some of the theories:
  • We ran away and joined the circus, Scott guesses people's age, weight, or gender, and I ride a motorcycle through a ring of fire
  • We decided to move to the conference center and live there in hiding, like the phantom of the opera
  • We moved to Alaska to hunt wolverines
  • We thought it would be fun to live like Survivorman and 'rough it' in the wild and went to the Uintas (mountain range) with only a video camera and the pitching machine and saw how long we could survive with only these items
  • We have been making a fake Bigfoot costume for Scott to wear while I filmed in order to become famous for shooting a rare video of the legendary creature.
Well, none of these are true. You see, Scott was out surfing and I was busy being the Sheriff of a cartoon world.

As part of being Sheriff, I had to bowl a perfect game so that the church-going ninja in the background wouldn't reak havoc on the small town of crazyshoeville and goldbeltland.

We are finally back from our big adventures and now that Erin is home we hope to have many more, only closer to home.