Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Why is this exciting?

It's been years since our whole family has been together for a family picture. I'm posting these so the family can copy them into their own "My Pictures" and make copies and have them printed. Have fun and thanks, everyone, for making the effort to be there. Thanks Jeni and Jason for having the party and arranging for a last minute photographer! Thanks Angie if your out there somewhere!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why did I get tagged?

Ali tagged me to put the 4th picture from my 4th folder of pictures on my blog. Here it is and I tag: Jane; Erin; Eric; and Kim the Boy.

This was our chariot in the South Weber Days Parade. Next year we need to teach restraint in throwing candy. Ours was gone half-way through the parade route. It was sure fun though!