Sunday, December 9, 2007

Why are there blogs?

I've been intrigued by those who seem to want to share their lives with the whole world. Why is this? How Come?

I wondered - until some of our family moved to places far away from Grandpa and Grandma Woody. It has been wonderful to watch our grandkids grow up on the internet. What a great feeling it is to look at them through the eyes of their mom's and dad's comments, photos and videos. We are blessed to have this opportunity. Keep it up!


aLi said...

ha hah aha ha hah a! I'm laughing because I asked you to make a blog once upon a time, and you just kind of shrugged and acted like you were too cool for it. You said, "I'm not a blogger."
Ha ha ha, I'm so glad you had a change of heart.
I hope you can post often so I can see what's going on with YOU! (and mom!)

Kim-the-girl said...

Welcome to the bog world! We're glad you're here! To spread Woody cheer! Let's just not have any throwing up in any paper cups!